We help leaders build great company cultures for a thriving future.

Supercharge Your People to unleash their full potential and realize your wildest dreams, by creating a healthy and sustainable work environment where people thrive and are fulfilled.

11-16th May 2025

Deep Work, Flow & Surf
Retreat in Portugal

Learn how to reach the output of a full working month within just a single day instead, through attending and working in deep flow states.

Learn more on the retreat homepage

Or sign up directly for the Info Webinar on Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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Our Services

Take your employees to a new level through tailored coaching and workshops


We evaluate and plan interventions in close collaboration with leaders according to the needs, drawing from insights of established thought leaders and proven methods in our areas of expertise.

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We coach individuals and teams across all levels of organizations to discover what is possible, to push the boundaries, and are companions on the journeys of organizational transformation.

Book 1:1 Coaching

We organize, prepare and execute highly engaging workshops on-site or online, which allow even dispersed teams to build rapport and learn new things about themselves and each other.

Book Discovery Call

You want more than a regular workshop? We also provide full service packages for workshops and team retreats away from the regular work environment that catalyze the learning process while tightening the team bonds.

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Our Expertise

We focus on the essence and heart of what defines your organization

We believe that healthy organizations are more productive and generate better long-term results, while keeping their people engaged, fulfilled and satisfied at work. We support teams, leaders, and founders to implement practical tools that foster the creation of a healthy work environment, where everyone can flourish, be their whole selves, and contribute to the company's mission in a meaningful way.

Organizational Health has also been identified as the number one competitive advantage as per research conducted by McKinsey & Company. The report published proves the value of investing into the health of an organization.

Yet, according to the authors, that is not being done nearly enough, because executives often consider organizational health as being separate from performance, when in fact, they are actually one and the same.

Organizational Health alone is not enough though. There are two other important elements, which are Company Culture and Business Strategy. In our approach, we always look at those three pillars in a holistic and integrated way, to help our clients take stock of the current state of the organization and identify the most suitable and promising interventions.

An appealing company culture is the most critical competitive advantage in a world that has become so dynamic that it is challenging to keep up with all the innovation and trends. Being well anchored with a clearly defined company culture provides a solid foundation for sustainable growth. We support leaders in crafting, updating or revisiting their company culture and ensure it is well communicated and understood across the organization.

Culture is always there and we believe there is no such thing as ‘no culture’. Therefore some of the key questions we walk through with our clients are
- How intentional are you about upholding the values?
- How intentional are you about modelling the behaviors you’d like to see?
- How intentional are you about reminding people and giving kind feedback when you observe behaviors that are not aligned with your culture?

Culture is inherently difficult to capture and to make explicit. We are there to support leaders in their effort to do exactly that. Many struggle to appreciate the return on investment, because culture is hard to measure. However, research clearly shows that company's with a healthy culture, guided by authentic purpose, that invests in their people is more resilient and better performing in the long-term.

Our team supports leaders with strategy consulting. As a sparring partner we provide an unbiased view and help navigate the ever-changing environment and increasing demands on organizations. We take a bird's eye view and facilitate discussions at the executive level.

Together with Organizational Health and Company Culture, Business Strategy is one of three fundamental pillars of any organization.

While Organizational Health fosters well-being, ensuring that people feel safe, find fulfillment in their work, and feel seen and valued, Company Culture nurtures belonging, and ties the strategy to the purpose. The Business Strategy in turn provides direction and channels the energy that emerges from a healthy culture in the right direction, which serves the company purpose.

A company which manages to cater to those three pillars in a consistent and committed manner, without being sidetracked, will attract and retain the best talent, will be creative and innovative, and will deliver outstanding results over extended periods of time.

There is a connection between organizational health and accessing flow, which is state of optimal performance characterized through total concentration and increased productivity. We coach individuals and teams to access flow on demand by introducing habits, behaviors and routines that make it easier to get into this highly creative and productive mode.

Flow states, also known as deep work or being 'in the zone', are fairly well known for individual work, and becoming more and more popular due to the our hyper-connected world flooded with distractions.

What is less well known, is that this type of deep work can also be fostered in teams. It might be easier to picture group flow in a jazz band, but something similar is possible in work teams too.

It has already been proven that Organizational Health is directly correlated with performance. But by tapping into Team Flow you can find additional gears in your teams you didn’t even know were there.


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